Trauma Treatment Center in Orange County, CA

One of the leading causes of addiction and substance use disorder is unresolved trauma.1 Solution Wellness in Huntington Beach offers comprehensive trauma treatment for individuals who have been affected by traumatic incidents and simultaneously suffer from addiction. Studies show that as many as 96% of those who seek treatment for substance abuse reported experiencing a major traumatic incident in their lifetime. 1 Solution Wellness provides evidenced-based practices uniquely tailored to each individual to resolve traumatic experiences that lead to substance abuse.

Understanding Trauma

Trauma is an involuntary physical, psychological, or emotional response to an event that is disturbing or distressing. It can ultimately cause problems with a person’s day-to-day functioning, and in addition cause issues with self-esteem and the way an individual perceives themselves and the world. When a person does experience a traumatic event, it causes chemical changes in their brain. Oftentimes, trauma symptoms can go hand-and-hand with the development of addiction.

Types of trauma can include, but not be limited to:

  • Sexual abuse or violence
  • Domestic abuse or violence
  • Combat or witnessing violence
  • Death of a loved one
  • A significant or cross-country move
  • Divorce
  • Bullying
  • War
  • Natural Disasters
  • Accidents
  • Abandonment and Neglect
  • Being a victim of racism, sexism, or LGBTQ+ abuse
  • Severe health conditions such as cancer

Symptoms of Trauma

Typical symptoms of trauma can manifest themselves days or even years after the incident as a way to cope with the emotional and psychological after-effects. Some symptoms can include mood swings, anxiety, depression, hyperactivity, hypersensitivity, nightmares, sweating, or substance abuse among others. Trauma can happen to anyone at any age at any time. This means that anyone from babies to children to elderly to adults can experience the after effects of a traumatic incident. Some individuals may experience one traumatic incident in their lives, while others may experience several. 

There are three types of trauma that include the following:

  • Acute trauma: When a person experiences one traumatic incident
  • Chronic trauma: Repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic events
  • Complex trauma: When a person has experienced multiple traumatic incidents

How Trauma is Treated

Those who have experienced trauma can face a range of symptoms including substance abuse disorder. Also called co-occurring disorders, or a dual diagnosis, when these symptoms are present, they should be treated simultaneously to be more effective. Trauma can be treated with the following modalities:

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy helps someone move through unprocessed trauma though visual or bi-lateral stimulation. This modality helps lessen the emotional pain associated with the traumatic event.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Originally developed to help those struggling with borderline personality disorder (BPD), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), can also help those that have suffered from trauma and experience difficulty in managing their emotions and have impulse control problems. DBT focuses on challenging negative thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.

Pharmacological Therapy

After a traumatic experience, an individual’s parasympathetic nervous system or “flight or flight” system has been skewed, pushing the nervous system’s ability to regulate itself. Neurotransmitters in the brain become skewed and a person’s hypersensitivity is heightened. Anxiety and depression can hit peak levels. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) can restore brain chemicals and help assist an individual back to restore functioning in conjunction with other therapies.

Benefits of Trauma Treatment

Trauma therapy and recovery programs can help individuals find healing and safe space to recover from the symptoms of trauma. While understanding the underlying causes and addressing symptoms of their trauma, individuals can begin to separate themselves from the traumatic incident that they experienced in their lives. The most important benefit in a trauma recovery program is the environment. Surrounded in a safe and structured setting, clients are encouraged to be supportive of others’ recovery efforts and can find acceptance and belonging in fostering new skills where they may not have felt safe to do pre-treatment. Reducing the shame, memories, and fear of stigma can exacerbate healing during the exploration of traumatic issues so that individuals can navigate these uncomfortable issues and move forward with their lives. 

In addition, when someone experiences a traumatic incident, they can lose sight of themselves and trust in the world around them. Trauma treatment can help individuals rebuild a sense of self in who they are and build resiliency and consistency in their lives. Most importantly, trauma treatment can help ground reconnect and rediscover someone’s self for the long-term.

Trauma Treatment in Huntington Beach

Trauma treatment can be extremely challenging, but one of the most rewarding processes an individual can partake in. At 1 Solution Wellness in Huntington Beach, each of our clients receive individualized attention and trauma treatment. Recovery from trauma shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all approach. Our multidisciplinary staff understands what it takes to recover and guides each individual through the process. If you or a loved one are suffering from the symptoms of addiction and trauma and thinking about starting the healing process to recover from it, don’t hesitate to reach out to us today. Our qualified admissions coordinators are standing by to help you take back your life.